
Showing posts from October, 2012

These Children are Mine

My children are my heartbeat (can you hear it?) it thumps in time the rhythm of this one's laughter the pattern of that one's sighs the missed beats of tears pooling in the chambers My sons are men now no longer little boys on tricycles and in wagons no longer waving hands for daddy to pick them up on his shoulder My sons are men My daughters are little women still young and cute yet older and beautiful how much longer can I hold them close before I must let them go? Never will I let them go completely they will always be my little girls My daughters, little women My children are my life's blood the strands of our lives' fabrics intertwined (c) Brett Campbell, October 25, 2012

Alexander Pruss's Blog: Disbelief

Alexander Pruss's Blog: Disbelief

8 Christian Songs I Love

Some of my favorite songs, sung by some of my favorite performers: [1] Buddy Greene, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" Bluegrass Gospel [2] Jason Crabb and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, "I'm Amazed" Gospel [3] Russ Taff, "Ain't No Grave" Gospel / Spiritual [4] Glenn Kaiser and Darryl Mansfield, "We Shall See the King" Gospel Blues [5] Third Day, "Born Again" Christian Contemporary [6] Decyfer Down, "Moving On" Contemporary / Rock [7] Disciple, "Draw the Line" Rock  [8] Underoath, "In Regards to Myself...

Little Girls' Softball

It's supposed to be fun. But one team in our area is known for a coach who screams at his players like they ought to be playing on at least a semi-pro level, including his own daughter. One lady we know has hardly spoken to us in two years because my non-all-star daughter caught a linedrive ball her all-star daughter hit in a game. Talk about petty. If my girls play their best at that moment, have fun doing it, and come out of it with a positive attitude, I'm happy. Some highly competitive people say only losers say 'Winning isn't everything', but I would rather look back on a life of shared happiness with my child than have them always thinking they didn't do enough to please me. It isn't worth it.


I have heard thunder for nearly two hours. Thunder announces coming rain, usually. But the rain just began. It seems to be be pouring buckets of it, and I don't know if this will be a quick rainstorm, gone in a matter of minutes, or if it will last the rest of the afternoon and on into the night. If you love rain, and I love the sound of it - especially when I'm sleepy and have the chance to nap, the thunder makes you eagerly await its drops. If you loathe rain, thunder warns you that you have a limited amount of time before its coming down. People tend to look at the coming return of Jesus in the same way. If you are afraid of what His coming means - for you, for others - then you don't get excited when you see the signs and hear the reminders. You get worried. If you love Him and look forward to His return, then you can hardly contain yourself when you see the signs and hear the reminders. You get excited! The worriers should do something about that - come to J...

Where Would You Go?

Down the rabbit hole. Through the wardrobe. The red pill or the blue pill? If you could follow any fictional character on his/her adventure, sharing the perils, delights, failures, successes, rewards, etc., ... [1] Who would you want to follow, in what story? [2] Would you actually do it? [3] Why would you or wouldn't you? Would love to read your responses.

Wade Burleson: The Beauty of Loving a Husband without Needing Him

Wade Burleson: The Beauty of Loving a Husband without Needing Him

Jesus is God - One Verse Evidence

Many people argue over whether Jesus is or was God, or thought He was, or whatever. Many verses are given to try to support either side. Here is one verse I believe is definitive in the stance it takes, John 1:18. Below is the verse in various English translations. "No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known" [NIV]. "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him" [ASV]. "No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known" [ESV]. "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him" [KJV]. "No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, who is at the Father's side, has revealed him" [NAB]. "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of the Father, He ha...