
Showing posts from August, 2012

Today's News

On various news websites today: First, a few political links: [1] Yahoo! News - Daily Caller, "Joe Biden and Paul Ryan slip, plus Donald Trump on Iran: The dumbest political quotes of the week" The article reads, in part, "Biden made two big uh-ohs Wednesday during a campaign stop in Virginia, which is not the same thing as North Carolina. 'With you, we can win North Carolina again!' Biden told the Virginia crowd." [2] CNN - "Bakery Owner Refuses Biden Visit" [3] ABC - "Caterer at Obama Iowa Event Wears Pro-Romney Shirt" [4] Finally, from the every-trustworthy Weekly World News - "Bat Boy ...

Bassist Billy

I emailed a rock bassist today, having seen a video of him online defending his faith in Scientology. He's been in the religion since the early 1970s, and was responding to critique from a couple of ex-Scientologists. The bass player's name is Billy Sheehan, and I e-mailed him to let him know that I thought he handled himself pretty well by keeping calm and trying to have a good conversation with two people who very obviously rather confrontational and aggressive. I also told him that I did not agree with his religious views, and would love to have an opportunity to have a calm conversation about the reality of the Gospel of Jesus, heaven, and hell. His website proclaims that he personally reads every email he receives, but that he does not respond to each one. I thanked him for reading it, told him I understood if he did not respond, but that I would like for him to do so. We'll see what happens, and I'll let you know! August 17, 2012 Update, September 28, 2...


Without longing for death, do you ever long for the day you'll get to see Jesus in person? That wonderful moment when you get to see the One who died in your place, who bought your freedom, who gives you life in your body, mind, and soul - that wonderful moment cannot be surpassed. I'm not looking to die - I want to live a long & happy life. But I do want to see my Jesus. If I didn't, I wouldn't understand the hope that lives in me.

Disney in the Rain

How much rain does it take to keep people out of Walt Disney World? Apparently, a LOT! WDW, Orlando, FL, June 30, 2012, from my phone

Historic SBC President Election

I'm so delighted that Dr. David Crosby, pastor of FBC, New Orleans, nominated, and that the messengers unanimously elected, Dr. Fred Luter of Franklin Ave. Baptist Church, New Orleans, our new SBC president! I remember Dr. Luter (Bro. Fred) visiting the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary while I was a student there. He was so approachable, down-to-earth, friendly, and challenging to us. I have had the privilege of interacting with him on a few occasions, and have always enjoyed his preaching. I also remember the very first associational minister's prayer breakfast I attended. It was several years ago, and I was a new minister in the area. I arrived at the building and entered, to find only 2 other pastors and the director of missions for our association. I was a young man, and they were all 60-70. In the course of drinking coffee (and ignoring the mints that were apparently the "breakfast" portion) and keeping my mouth shut as I listened to this older grou...