
Showing posts from June, 2012

When in Rome

As far back in antiquity as AD 390, people have used comments that are very similar to: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". The purpose of the phrase is to encourage people to honor the customs of their hosts, or their surroundings. Unfortunately, today people usually use it as an excuse to abandon common morality in favor of whatever debauchery they can involve themselves in at the moment in their current location. To be continued ...

Birthdays of the Begotten

Recently, my youngest daughter turned 8. Eight! Tomorrow, my oldest daughter will turn 11. E. Lev. Un. Next week, my oldest son will turn 18. Eight-register*for*selective*service*time-teen. And, next month, my youngest son will turn 16. Sweet, sweet sixteen. Later this year, my wife and I will turn **ow!** (What did you punch me for? Yes, I know that ended in a preposition! Why did you punch me? Well, I haven't told your age yet. No, you look much younger. Much younger than me. No one knows you're really three years older. Ow!! Stop!! No, I was just kidding. I'm one month older than you, I know. Ok, ok, can I get back to the blog with no readers? Thank you.) I wish them all happy birthdays, and I love them with all my heart!!!

A Polytheistic President

Dr. Michael Youssef, pastor of The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, GA, and founder of Leading the Way ministries, recently wrote on his blog about Pres. Obama’s religion [] – an issue that hasn’t “gone away”. Noting the president’s “extraordinary sympathies to Islamists and apparent bias that has tipped the scales toward the Muslim world and against Israel”, Youssef writes, “What most people have failed to recognize is that Obama’s religion is the same religion of a vast growing number of contemporary church-going Americans”. “America’s modern drift” toward a unique polytheism originated, not with Mr. Obama, but “in many liberal churches and seminaries and has been followed now by many evangelical mega-church preachers”. Then Youssef expounds on what that “uniquely American polytheistic drift” is: Jesus Christ is the Savior – but not the one and only. Had the first-century Christians “been clever enough”, Youssef writes, “to compromise their faith t...


Does a voice echo if there's no one to hear it? Does it? Hello? Anyone there? No, I thought not.