
Showing posts from 2012


Quick New Year's Quiz: What happens when you get a sinus infection and don't get it completely treated? It becomes Strep! Yay! No, not Yay.  I've had my kids for the past few days, and ferried them home to Louisiana today. On the way back, my throat was really hurting, and I noticed a slight swelling on the left side of my neck. Swelling & pain got worse, so I went to the ER. After 3.5 hrs, they shot me twice and gave me an Rx.  The doctor said the shots wouldn't really hurt until tomorrow. "Hope you don't have to do a lot of driving," he said. I need to drive the 6 hrs back home to MS tomorrow. Nice. Anyway, if anyone is reading this (sometime in the far future), do some retroactive prayer for me, will ya? Thx.

Moving, and God is Good

Well, today is my last day in my current ("old") address. Just my younger son and me here today. My girls have been at their grandparents' house for a few days now, and their mom and our oldest son went over there this morning. I've been taking care of 'last-minute' things, boxing up more stuff, etc., and my son & I will go over there for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'll leave from there to move. It's bittersweet. I'll be moving to be with my family in Mississippi, so I'm actually happy about that. I should have a job with little or no problem soon after my arrival there. I won't have to lead a church for a while, at least, and can just go to church with family & friends. But I won't be here. I will be 330 miles from my two lovely daughters and my two strong sons. I will be just steps away from my wonderful parents, and my darling sister and her family, and only about 60 miles from my older "little" brother and ...


I have always been fascinated by maps. I am especially fascinated by maps of places I know. For instance, my family lived in Corinth, MS, when I was very young, just a couple of blocks away from Ft. Robinette (Battery Robinette at the time). This map shows the Civil War battle that took place there: Did I also mention I'm a history buff? Here's another map, of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place not far from Corinth: I like to know where I am, where I've been, and where I'm going. When I'm driving, I like to know where I am in relation to other places - in town, other towns, other roads, etc. I like to know where I am. In case I get lost. Then I won't be lost. Because I'll know where I am. Logic. From about the age of 7 until a few years later, I only knew where we had been when we went on trips. We...

The Day After the 2012 Presidential Elections

Though I used to be registered as a Republican, I have been an Independent for many years now. I have done my best to vote in a way that supports the candidate I believe will do his or her best to do the job for which they are running for the true long-term benefit of the people. Many times, unfortunately, that choice has been for the lesser of two weevils. Or evils. Whatever. I say the same thing today I always have said - no matter for whom you voted (or even if you refused to vote for any reason), the person elected to the office of President of the United States is the president of every American citizen , no matter if you don't like him or her. PRAY for them. Pray NOT that God will remove them from office and let another replace them. Or, if you do, do not let that be your only prayer. Pray that God will use the President to accomplish God's purposes, even if the president is wholly opposed to the things the Bible tells us are godly. Pray for the president! It b...

Computer "Help"

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it (extremely) aggravating when you encounter a tech problem with your PC that you aren't sure what to do about, and Google for help with the issue? I repeatedly find questions and "answers" like this: Q:  I need help! I've locked myself out of my laptop and can't log in. I can't remember my user password. I'm the only user, and it's the administrator account. What do I do? A: Chosen as best by users . Reboot, then log in with your administrator password. Then reset the password for the user account. Hope this helps! Q: No, you don't understand. The account I can't remember the password for IS the Administrator account! I can't log in because I can't get into that account. A: Reboot, holding down the F8 key. Then log in to your administrator account and reset your password. Hope this helps! Q: No, it's not helping! I've tried that. It's the ONLY account I have!!!!!! Somebod...

These Children are Mine

My children are my heartbeat (can you hear it?) it thumps in time the rhythm of this one's laughter the pattern of that one's sighs the missed beats of tears pooling in the chambers My sons are men now no longer little boys on tricycles and in wagons no longer waving hands for daddy to pick them up on his shoulder My sons are men My daughters are little women still young and cute yet older and beautiful how much longer can I hold them close before I must let them go? Never will I let them go completely they will always be my little girls My daughters, little women My children are my life's blood the strands of our lives' fabrics intertwined (c) Brett Campbell, October 25, 2012

Alexander Pruss's Blog: Disbelief

Alexander Pruss's Blog: Disbelief

8 Christian Songs I Love

Some of my favorite songs, sung by some of my favorite performers: [1] Buddy Greene, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" Bluegrass Gospel [2] Jason Crabb and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, "I'm Amazed" Gospel [3] Russ Taff, "Ain't No Grave" Gospel / Spiritual [4] Glenn Kaiser and Darryl Mansfield, "We Shall See the King" Gospel Blues [5] Third Day, "Born Again" Christian Contemporary [6] Decyfer Down, "Moving On" Contemporary / Rock [7] Disciple, "Draw the Line" Rock  [8] Underoath, "In Regards to Myself...

Little Girls' Softball

It's supposed to be fun. But one team in our area is known for a coach who screams at his players like they ought to be playing on at least a semi-pro level, including his own daughter. One lady we know has hardly spoken to us in two years because my non-all-star daughter caught a linedrive ball her all-star daughter hit in a game. Talk about petty. If my girls play their best at that moment, have fun doing it, and come out of it with a positive attitude, I'm happy. Some highly competitive people say only losers say 'Winning isn't everything', but I would rather look back on a life of shared happiness with my child than have them always thinking they didn't do enough to please me. It isn't worth it.


I have heard thunder for nearly two hours. Thunder announces coming rain, usually. But the rain just began. It seems to be be pouring buckets of it, and I don't know if this will be a quick rainstorm, gone in a matter of minutes, or if it will last the rest of the afternoon and on into the night. If you love rain, and I love the sound of it - especially when I'm sleepy and have the chance to nap, the thunder makes you eagerly await its drops. If you loathe rain, thunder warns you that you have a limited amount of time before its coming down. People tend to look at the coming return of Jesus in the same way. If you are afraid of what His coming means - for you, for others - then you don't get excited when you see the signs and hear the reminders. You get worried. If you love Him and look forward to His return, then you can hardly contain yourself when you see the signs and hear the reminders. You get excited! The worriers should do something about that - come to J...

Where Would You Go?

Down the rabbit hole. Through the wardrobe. The red pill or the blue pill? If you could follow any fictional character on his/her adventure, sharing the perils, delights, failures, successes, rewards, etc., ... [1] Who would you want to follow, in what story? [2] Would you actually do it? [3] Why would you or wouldn't you? Would love to read your responses.

Wade Burleson: The Beauty of Loving a Husband without Needing Him

Wade Burleson: The Beauty of Loving a Husband without Needing Him

Jesus is God - One Verse Evidence

Many people argue over whether Jesus is or was God, or thought He was, or whatever. Many verses are given to try to support either side. Here is one verse I believe is definitive in the stance it takes, John 1:18. Below is the verse in various English translations. "No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known" [NIV]. "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him" [ASV]. "No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known" [ESV]. "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him" [KJV]. "No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, who is at the Father's side, has revealed him" [NAB]. "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of the Father, He ha...

Today's News

On various news websites today: First, a few political links: [1] Yahoo! News - Daily Caller, "Joe Biden and Paul Ryan slip, plus Donald Trump on Iran: The dumbest political quotes of the week" The article reads, in part, "Biden made two big uh-ohs Wednesday during a campaign stop in Virginia, which is not the same thing as North Carolina. 'With you, we can win North Carolina again!' Biden told the Virginia crowd." [2] CNN - "Bakery Owner Refuses Biden Visit" [3] ABC - "Caterer at Obama Iowa Event Wears Pro-Romney Shirt" [4] Finally, from the every-trustworthy Weekly World News - "Bat Boy ...

Bassist Billy

I emailed a rock bassist today, having seen a video of him online defending his faith in Scientology. He's been in the religion since the early 1970s, and was responding to critique from a couple of ex-Scientologists. The bass player's name is Billy Sheehan, and I e-mailed him to let him know that I thought he handled himself pretty well by keeping calm and trying to have a good conversation with two people who very obviously rather confrontational and aggressive. I also told him that I did not agree with his religious views, and would love to have an opportunity to have a calm conversation about the reality of the Gospel of Jesus, heaven, and hell. His website proclaims that he personally reads every email he receives, but that he does not respond to each one. I thanked him for reading it, told him I understood if he did not respond, but that I would like for him to do so. We'll see what happens, and I'll let you know! August 17, 2012 Update, September 28, 2...


Without longing for death, do you ever long for the day you'll get to see Jesus in person? That wonderful moment when you get to see the One who died in your place, who bought your freedom, who gives you life in your body, mind, and soul - that wonderful moment cannot be surpassed. I'm not looking to die - I want to live a long & happy life. But I do want to see my Jesus. If I didn't, I wouldn't understand the hope that lives in me.

Disney in the Rain

How much rain does it take to keep people out of Walt Disney World? Apparently, a LOT! WDW, Orlando, FL, June 30, 2012, from my phone

Historic SBC President Election

I'm so delighted that Dr. David Crosby, pastor of FBC, New Orleans, nominated, and that the messengers unanimously elected, Dr. Fred Luter of Franklin Ave. Baptist Church, New Orleans, our new SBC president! I remember Dr. Luter (Bro. Fred) visiting the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary while I was a student there. He was so approachable, down-to-earth, friendly, and challenging to us. I have had the privilege of interacting with him on a few occasions, and have always enjoyed his preaching. I also remember the very first associational minister's prayer breakfast I attended. It was several years ago, and I was a new minister in the area. I arrived at the building and entered, to find only 2 other pastors and the director of missions for our association. I was a young man, and they were all 60-70. In the course of drinking coffee (and ignoring the mints that were apparently the "breakfast" portion) and keeping my mouth shut as I listened to this older grou...

When in Rome

As far back in antiquity as AD 390, people have used comments that are very similar to: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". The purpose of the phrase is to encourage people to honor the customs of their hosts, or their surroundings. Unfortunately, today people usually use it as an excuse to abandon common morality in favor of whatever debauchery they can involve themselves in at the moment in their current location. To be continued ...

Birthdays of the Begotten

Recently, my youngest daughter turned 8. Eight! Tomorrow, my oldest daughter will turn 11. E. Lev. Un. Next week, my oldest son will turn 18. Eight-register*for*selective*service*time-teen. And, next month, my youngest son will turn 16. Sweet, sweet sixteen. Later this year, my wife and I will turn **ow!** (What did you punch me for? Yes, I know that ended in a preposition! Why did you punch me? Well, I haven't told your age yet. No, you look much younger. Much younger than me. No one knows you're really three years older. Ow!! Stop!! No, I was just kidding. I'm one month older than you, I know. Ok, ok, can I get back to the blog with no readers? Thank you.) I wish them all happy birthdays, and I love them with all my heart!!!

A Polytheistic President

Dr. Michael Youssef, pastor of The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, GA, and founder of Leading the Way ministries, recently wrote on his blog about Pres. Obama’s religion [] – an issue that hasn’t “gone away”. Noting the president’s “extraordinary sympathies to Islamists and apparent bias that has tipped the scales toward the Muslim world and against Israel”, Youssef writes, “What most people have failed to recognize is that Obama’s religion is the same religion of a vast growing number of contemporary church-going Americans”. “America’s modern drift” toward a unique polytheism originated, not with Mr. Obama, but “in many liberal churches and seminaries and has been followed now by many evangelical mega-church preachers”. Then Youssef expounds on what that “uniquely American polytheistic drift” is: Jesus Christ is the Savior – but not the one and only. Had the first-century Christians “been clever enough”, Youssef writes, “to compromise their faith t...


Does a voice echo if there's no one to hear it? Does it? Hello? Anyone there? No, I thought not.


Standing here under a metal awning at my daughter's possibly-rained-out softball game, I can't help but wonder why people are afraid of thunder. Thunder can startle you, certainly, and maybe it could hurt your ears, but its only purpose, so to speak, is to announce the lightning. That's what people should fear, if fear is to be a factor. One day, God will tell His Son to return to earth for His children - those who love Him - and an angel will announce it with a loud trumpet blast. Like lightning parts the sky, Jesus will descend from the eastern sky as the conquering King of kings. Don't fear the trumpet blast, but the lightning it announces: fear Jesus Who comes in righteous judgment and mercy. After all, fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Words spoken from the stage at a certain recent graduation

Presented-ed Jar-metry Two-thousand or twelve ... No comment.

Free Book Friday!!

Okay, this is obviously the very first "Free Book Friday", and I can't promise it'll be here every Friday, but I will do it often. I will place links here to books you can (legally) download for FREE online. The first is a true Christian classic -- C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity . You can get this free PDF download here: PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the latest FREE version here: or an alternate FREE PDF reader here:

Christian Metal

Okay, here's the perennial question: Is there such a thing as "Christian" metal music ? It's usually asked as: Is there such a thing as "Christian" rock music? We could also ask: Is there any such thing as "Christian" music, period? The answer is .... YES. Most things are simply amoral - neither moral (good) nor immoral (bad) in essence. Take, for example, a tennis racket. When used for tennis, it accomplishes its purpose - therefore, it is "good" (moral). When used to attack an innocent passer-by, it becomes an instrument of ill purpose, and can therefore be called "bad" (immoral).  Now, of course, one must differentiate the actions and intents of the tennis racket from the person holding it. Did the tennis racket initiate the conflict, or cause the hand to move upon its handle? No. It can therefore be argued to still be amoral - neither good nor bad. The hand holding it, however, did cause the racket to be use...

Voice of the Martyrs Executive Director TOM WHITE Apparently Commits Suicide

May 9, 2012 This morning I opened a letter that arrrived yesterday from The Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry to the persecuted Christians worldwide, with the words "Important Message from the President" across the envelope. I assumed it was an urgent call for funds, prayers, etc. When I opened it and began to read, however, I saw quickly that I was wrong. The news it contained - that Executive Director Tom White had been found dead on April 18 - shocked me. The news that he had apparently taken his own life made the sadness grow. Then the revelation that he had apparently done this to avoid investigation (or hurt to the ministry and his family) over the accusation that he had "had inappropriate contact" with a minor girl sucker punched me in my ample gut. I hoped it wasn't true - that he had somehow mistakenly thought there was no way the ministry or his family could survive a scandal, that he was afraid of returning to prison (having spent 17 ye...

Reverse Psychiatry

May 8, 2012 Yes, you read that correctly. Yesterday, I was leaving a store in Natchitoches when I passed by two women talking. One said, "Ha! I used reverse pyschiatry on you!" "What?" the other one replied. "I used reverse psychiatry on you," she repeated. "Oh," was the response. I wanted so bad to correct them. But I didn't. Are you proud of me?